- it's 3:32 pm
- 90°F / 32°C
It's HOT in texas now. Today it got a little cooler but usually we're in the 100 with our temperatures. The problem isn't that its so hot, its that its very human, which makes the air stand and you feel sticky and start sweating really fast.
So I decided to do cross country during the summer. It starts at 7:30 in the morning and its at the school for free. We run 3 miles right now, but it will increse, than we do a 7 minute abb workout, some more running drills and more abbs. I do over 100 push ups every day now.
At first I thought I'll be good once the big running part is over, but those abbs kill you and those running drills...uh oh.
But I love it, waking up kinda early, being active for 2 hours and then just being awake and I get this good feeling that I already had a good workot. I'm sad I didn't do track or cross country during school, but I'm glad I get to do it now.
- it's 3:32 pm
- 90°F / 32°C
It's HOT in texas now. Today it got a little cooler but usually we're in the 100 with our temperatures. The problem isn't that its so hot, its that its very human, which makes the air stand and you feel sticky and start sweating really fast.
So I decided to do cross country during the summer. It starts at 7:30 in the morning and its at the school for free. We run 3 miles right now, but it will increse, than we do a 7 minute abb workout, some more running drills and more abbs. I do over 100 push ups every day now.
At first I thought I'll be good once the big running part is over, but those abbs kill you and those running drills...uh oh.
But I love it, waking up kinda early, being active for 2 hours and then just being awake and I get this good feeling that I already had a good workot. I'm sad I didn't do track or cross country during school, but I'm glad I get to do it now.
This is how bad I sweat after cc. Gross. Haha.
The other day Syd, Avery, and me went to galveston (which is by the ocean [ok, Lp is right by the ocean, too. But the water in galveston is green instead of brown. Haha]) and some of our aunts rented a beach house for 2 weeks. So we decided to go down there, see our family, and have fun at the beach.
Our cousin Steven brought his jet ski up there, and it was SO much fun. I rode it and he taught me how to drive it, it was super fun.
Yesterday I decided to put some stuff together I most likely won't usse before I leave, but I wanna take it home.
I'm not sure if I have to pay for a second suit case, but I'm not planning on having extra luggage. I mean I don't have that many clothes, and I can buy clothes in germany, too. So I'm not gonna take too many clothes back.
I found a bunch of stuff among other things I found "Buchstaben Suppe" my mom sent me couple weeks ago, and I decided to cook it today after cross country.
I also threw all my school papers away. uhhh, I am so glad I can get rid of that. And it reminded me of how my english has improved since I'm here and how many new friends I made and even how I changed. I changed a lot during this year. But I believe I became a better person, I accepted God in my life, and he is teaching me so much. Whenever I get upset about something I remind myself why I am upset and if its worth it, or how I would feel in the opposite situation. And I tell people that I understand what they're trying to tell me, but I wanna show them my point, too. It's way easier since I changed and I'm not so impulsive anymore.
I don't know if y'all noticed, but I love curlying my hair. Even if it's
shorter now, I really like it curled, and Chase does, too.
![]() |
This was just an experiment, I usually do it with the curler |
Last sunday, when I was at church, I thought about the song "amazing
grace" and how it probably is their second national anthem. Because
everyone in america knows this song, everyone. And I have to say more
texas' citizens believe in God than in germany. Believing and having God
in your life, being a christian is somethign very good here, especially
when you're my age. People look up to you when you found God and most
of the guys don't even wanna date someone who isn't a christian, which
is good in my opinion.
I mean, yes, american teenagers do have sex, and most of them don't wait till marriage, and some maybe don't even go to church once a week. It might sounds hypocritical to be a christian and do those things, but its better to be like that than live like most of the teenagers in germany, waiting for the next weekend so they can get drunk again and meet some stranger who they can have a romantic relationship with... In germany it is emberassing to believe in God, or you get judged when you go to church every sunday. And I think that is so wrong. America or texas is doing a way better job than germany is.
I love having God with me, and since I have him I became a better person and grew more mature, and that is what I wanna show kids in germany. I'm still gonna live for him and show people how great it is to accept him. And I am determind to find a church I kinda like (even if american church is SO much better than german church) and go every sunday morning.
Yes, texas showed me God, and I will show God to everyone who's around me, because he is beautiful.
Yesterday I talked to Lisa for awhile and Max decided to lay in bed with me, and so I took silly pictures to show it to her, but stupid facebook didn't wanna cooperate, so now I'll share them with all of y'all.
I mean, yes, american teenagers do have sex, and most of them don't wait till marriage, and some maybe don't even go to church once a week. It might sounds hypocritical to be a christian and do those things, but its better to be like that than live like most of the teenagers in germany, waiting for the next weekend so they can get drunk again and meet some stranger who they can have a romantic relationship with... In germany it is emberassing to believe in God, or you get judged when you go to church every sunday. And I think that is so wrong. America or texas is doing a way better job than germany is.
I love having God with me, and since I have him I became a better person and grew more mature, and that is what I wanna show kids in germany. I'm still gonna live for him and show people how great it is to accept him. And I am determind to find a church I kinda like (even if american church is SO much better than german church) and go every sunday morning.
Yes, texas showed me God, and I will show God to everyone who's around me, because he is beautiful.
Yesterday I talked to Lisa for awhile and Max decided to lay in bed with me, and so I took silly pictures to show it to her, but stupid facebook didn't wanna cooperate, so now I'll share them with all of y'all.
Yesterday I saw a funny picture on twitter, and it is SO true, so here is some southern grammar for all of y'all ;)
Day 65 - one random fact about yourself
I describe the shape of my head as a football, since I’m like 6.
I describe the shape of my head as a football, since I’m like 6.
Day 64 - favorite thing about last month
Prom (may, 19). I liked all the getting ready and looking pretty
thing. Like you start early in the morning, to get your hair done, and everyone
is so excited for you and then in the afternoon my boyfriend picked me up, he
told me I look beautiful and we got to spend a good night together. It was a
lot of fun.
Day 63 - the song with the most plays on your iTunes
Its kinda old, because I never play music from my iTunes, but ist
Eigentlich wollte er nie ein Liebeslied schreiben – SDP (june, 26 2012)
Day 62 - how many keys are on your key ring
I don’t have a key ring here in texas, because we always walk in
the house through our garage door. But in germany I have 2 keys on my key ring,
one for the house door and one for my bike (the lock that I got), oh and I have
a sheepworld sheep on it with a little bell.
Day 61 - One of your most prized possesions
I’m not quite sure..my whole room is pretty expensive. But just
one thing that was super expensive…ohhh my prom dress. It was so
expensive. (june, 24 2012)
Day 60 - A YouTube video you absolutely love and why
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytXTiYgWqwM it was just so much fun. And yeah, that is me. Super goofy.
Day 59 - What color are your favorite pair of flip-flops
I owned one pair, it was black, but our dog chewed it up.
Day 58 - Places you want to visit and why
Wyoming – it has always been my dream to see Wyoming, because there was a horse I really liked that was called Wyoming. Later I discovered that it was a state in the US
Norway – Because I’ve been there before andd it is just breath taking.
Greece – Just because my mom and I went to some islands, and I love it.
South Africa – My mom has been there and it looked very good
I can list a bunch of foreign countries, but I’m just gonna summarize it by saying that I wanna travel in life.
Day 57 - what is your definition of happiness
A state where you feel free and can’t think about something better or wanna change anything.
Day 56 -
something you did as a child that other people remember you for
I moved since I was a child, so I can tell yall my funniest story.
It was with my „sister“ Lisa, and we lived on a very big property, well this
one family had a cat and Lisa and me played with it the other ay and all of the
sudden it scratched her. Both of us got really mad, because it was for no
reason and so we wanted revenge. We went to the back of the house and got a
bucket full of sand and tracked the cat down. It was sitting in front of ist owners
house and we, not thinking about it, threw the sand on the cat. But the cat
jumped up and ran away and all that was left was a big pile of sand in front of
their house. So Lisa and me just decided to walk away and play, when the owner
steped out of their house he screamed both of our names and the both of us
said: We didn’t do it! And he responded: Well I didn’t even said anything about
the sand…
It was so emberrassing, because now he knew we did that and we lied about it. But whenever one of us tells the story now we can’t stop laughing.
It was so emberrassing, because now he knew we did that and we lied about it. But whenever one of us tells the story now we can’t stop laughing.
Day 55 - a passage from a book that has touched you
I wish I had the book „I am the messenger“ by Markus Zusak with me, but I dont.
It's not a big thing, but I guess it's true--big things are often just small things that are noticed.
I'm not the messenger at all.
I'm the message. (june, 18th 2012)
Day 54 - Your definition of love
You feel it. You feel love when you meet a person you’re willing
to put yourself second, you wanna know what they are thinking and you’re glad
to have them. Healthy love makes you a great person and teaches you a bunch of
things. I like love because it has taught me a lot, and it shows you how
wonderful life can be.
Day 53 - your day, in great detail
I honestly don’t remember my daturday, but I can give you my
I woke up late, because Chase called me for the 2nd time now. We were supposed to go up to the school at 7 (he for strenght and conditioning, I for cross country) and be there at 7:30. It was 7:15 and I woke up, got out of bed, put my clothes on, brushed my teeth and called Chase. He came back to come and get me, I think because he knows how excited and anxious I have been the past couple days for my first day doing cc. He said it’s ok, and I calmed down. I grabbed a water and there he was, coming down my street. I still didn’t put my shoes on, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to make the both of us late on our first day. And we didn’t, we were there at 7:28. My coach bunny explained the route for today (3miles run. I was super scared of that. Because coach Bunny is known for being hard on us students.). And there we were, standing on the street about to start when she looked at me and said: Who are you? I introduced myself real quick and we all started running. My soccer friend Monica was there and we decided to be running buddies. After the run (I finished in 27 min. Yaaaay) we went to the track and did a whole lot of abbs. It was no bueno. 100 push ups (HAHAHHA, in germany I was happy with myself when I did 3), 200 crunshes and sit ups, 1 minute planking, russian twist, and a lot of other ugly things. Since i woke up late I didn’t have enough time to go pee in the morning, which means I had to run 3 miles with a full bladder and do abbs with it. After that I had enough courage to speak up and ask if I may can go to the restroom, and hallelulejah I could. I felt like I’m gonna pass out during the stretches and running drills we did afterwards. I did not feel good. But after another session of abbs we were dissmissed and Chase took me back home. I took a shower and felt better, actually amazing.
After that I decided to be a couch potato for alittle and watch house. Later I went with Jordy to a bank and back, where it hit me and I got super tired and fell asleep on the couch. After I woke up it was already 4:40 and I went with Sydney to Tylers baseball game, where I surprisingly saw Chase. I asked him to come over, but sadly he already made plans with his friend, but since I am trying to be a better person I thought about it a while and told him I can understand that he doesn’t wanna dump his friend and so afterwards me and Sydney got home, ate dinner, watched the bachlorette, I did the dishes and she went to Tylers house. Now I am laying on my bed upstairs, finishing my questions and I’m about to go to sleep. Tomorrow is gonna start earlier,with me hopefully waking up to my alarm at 6:30. Goodnight everyone.
I woke up late, because Chase called me for the 2nd time now. We were supposed to go up to the school at 7 (he for strenght and conditioning, I for cross country) and be there at 7:30. It was 7:15 and I woke up, got out of bed, put my clothes on, brushed my teeth and called Chase. He came back to come and get me, I think because he knows how excited and anxious I have been the past couple days for my first day doing cc. He said it’s ok, and I calmed down. I grabbed a water and there he was, coming down my street. I still didn’t put my shoes on, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to make the both of us late on our first day. And we didn’t, we were there at 7:28. My coach bunny explained the route for today (3miles run. I was super scared of that. Because coach Bunny is known for being hard on us students.). And there we were, standing on the street about to start when she looked at me and said: Who are you? I introduced myself real quick and we all started running. My soccer friend Monica was there and we decided to be running buddies. After the run (I finished in 27 min. Yaaaay) we went to the track and did a whole lot of abbs. It was no bueno. 100 push ups (HAHAHHA, in germany I was happy with myself when I did 3), 200 crunshes and sit ups, 1 minute planking, russian twist, and a lot of other ugly things. Since i woke up late I didn’t have enough time to go pee in the morning, which means I had to run 3 miles with a full bladder and do abbs with it. After that I had enough courage to speak up and ask if I may can go to the restroom, and hallelulejah I could. I felt like I’m gonna pass out during the stretches and running drills we did afterwards. I did not feel good. But after another session of abbs we were dissmissed and Chase took me back home. I took a shower and felt better, actually amazing.
After that I decided to be a couch potato for alittle and watch house. Later I went with Jordy to a bank and back, where it hit me and I got super tired and fell asleep on the couch. After I woke up it was already 4:40 and I went with Sydney to Tylers baseball game, where I surprisingly saw Chase. I asked him to come over, but sadly he already made plans with his friend, but since I am trying to be a better person I thought about it a while and told him I can understand that he doesn’t wanna dump his friend and so afterwards me and Sydney got home, ate dinner, watched the bachlorette, I did the dishes and she went to Tylers house. Now I am laying on my bed upstairs, finishing my questions and I’m about to go to sleep. Tomorrow is gonna start earlier,with me hopefully waking up to my alarm at 6:30. Goodnight everyone.
Day 52 - if you didn't have an age, how old do you think you would be
In my early 20’s.
Day 51 - Describe your future wedding
I want a big wedding, I wanna get married outside in a pretty garden and have a big house in the french villa style behind me, I want my wedding dress to be long, white and strapless. I already have a kinda version of my dress and ist definitely gonna be classy. I’m not sure how ist gonna turn out to be, but I want that day to be a lot of fun.
Day 50 - why you are doing this challenge
Because I wanna see how my views, my life, my perspectives, and just my personality changed over a year. I wish I could have done it earlier tho, because then I could have seen more of how I changed over my exchange year.
Day 49 - are you a lover or a fighter
This is what I come home to every morning after cc |
So Beau is sleeping in our room again, and tonight he chewed my toms up... |
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