- it's 4:58 p.m.
- 93°F/34°C
Well Jordy Coe is home from college, and she's baking a lot, school is almost over. Everyone can't wait and is counting the days left (I've never done that.) of school, but I feel like whenever school is over I'll be almost gone. I'm not looking forward to the end of school at all, because I'm not gonna be back in the end of august like everyone else. It feels weird.
May, 5th was the last YFU orientation, and to be honest I didn't have the patience to sit there and listen to people talking about their problems again. I just felt like I'm at the wrong place, because nothing really did help me. I mean who doesn't know by now that it's gonna be different in germany, and that school will be difficult?
And later the day was soccer banquet which was fun. Chase and me sat on a table with girls I really enjoy talking to, and so I had a very good night. I think we look pretty good in black. :)
My weekends have been busy, that weekend was soccer banquet, last weekend was prom, and this weekend is baseball banquet. But I'm not gonna lie, I enjoy dressing up with Chase, looking nice, go and meet with our friends, have dinner and talk a lot. So I'm ready for baseball banquet, because I think it's gonna be lots of fun.
We also went to a wedding (uncle lance), and it was a very casual wedding. They got married at her parents house (which is AMAZING) in their backyard. .We all were wearing summer dresses and I had fun. It was something different, but I liked it. I wouldn't wanna marry like that, because I always dreamed of a white dress and a church decorated with flowers, everyone in pretty dresses, but no one can reach my dress. Yeah...haha, I want a big wedding. :)
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Marina and me had fun drawing on Lincoln in 5th period. |
And then there was mother's day. We got home from the wedding and cooked dinner (Syd, Jordy, and me) which was pretty good. We cooked a chicken-artichoke lasagne, and Jordy also baked a lemon cake.
I don't like when I tell one of my friends that I'll post a new blog post pretty soon, and then I find the time to and one incident changes my whole mood for the day, and I can't tell y'all all the great things, because my mind is somewhere else, trying to figure life back out.
It sucks. I hate posting when I'm irritated or something is bothering me. Uuuuurgh. Frustrating.
But however.
Prom was may, 19th and it was pretty good. The thing after wasn't, because we were at a condo and people just decided to not follow the 2 rules we had. But I enjoyed prom a lot.
Ohhh, and my youngest sister cut her hair off 10 inches to donate it for cancer kids. I'm glad she did that and she looks great with her new hairstyle.
And just how I promised all the questions I answered since my last blog post.[...]
Day 28 - Something that makes you really angry
Ignorance, because it impacts not just the ignorant person it impacts the environment and people around them.
Ignorance, because it impacts not just the ignorant person it impacts the environment and people around them.
Day 27: A person I wished lived closer and why
Chase, and the Coe’s, because they’re my family. I love them with all my heart, and I don’t wanna give them up (not completely, but I kinda do when I leave). I don’t want to be so far apart from the one’s I love. (may, 21st 2012)
Day 26: 5 things you’re looking forward to
being able to swim in Sydy boyfriends pool with her, Tyler, and Chase in
may (it is awesome, and since he plays football he can lift me up and all that
kind of stuff. LOVE IT)
2. Getting out of school, even if that means that my time is almost over…
3. Every day he will let me experience
2. Getting out of school, even if that means that my time is almost over…
3. Every day he will let me experience
4. Showing people how great God is
5. Live life at its fullest
Day 25: the last movie you watched
The vow. I like the movie, even if
I was getting so frustrated with the girl who lost their memory. I felt so
sorry for her husband and thought she should feel very lucky to have someone
who isn’t gonna break their marriage commitment and stays with her, trying to
win her over again. And all his fighting was worth it in the end, even if the
story ended different than everyone thinks…
Day 24: your favorite 10 people right now and why
1. Sydney Ann Coe – she’s my
sister/best friend. She loved me before I even met her, and we’re so close. She
is my sister and I can’t imagine life without her. The fun times and especially
all the different times, because she’s always there to listen to me. I love
2. Chase Smith – because he respects me, and cares about me just how I am. He’s the sweetest guy, with his awesome blue eyes (even if they’re sooo red from his contacts. Haha,) and the smile he smiles for me when I’m frustrated, because he knows I love that smile. Just all the things he does for me, and how good we are together.
3. Dee & Vanessa – yes, they just come together for me. We’ve so much fun in 1st and 6th period (Mexican, Cuban, and german humor ;) ) and they just made my life here what it is now. They have me smile and love soccer just as much as they do, hate German when we’ve to run in practice, and than love her again. Both of them are gorgeous ladies I truly love.
2. Chase Smith – because he respects me, and cares about me just how I am. He’s the sweetest guy, with his awesome blue eyes (even if they’re sooo red from his contacts. Haha,) and the smile he smiles for me when I’m frustrated, because he knows I love that smile. Just all the things he does for me, and how good we are together.
3. Dee & Vanessa – yes, they just come together for me. We’ve so much fun in 1st and 6th period (Mexican, Cuban, and german humor ;) ) and they just made my life here what it is now. They have me smile and love soccer just as much as they do, hate German when we’ve to run in practice, and than love her again. Both of them are gorgeous ladies I truly love.
4. My mom – because she’s the best exchange student mom, she’s so patient with me, understands when something is bothering me (I don’t talk to her then, because I told myself to not come to my mom with my problems, so she won’t be worried, and I learn how to manage them on my own.), she waits for me to come to her. She’s not the annoying parent who always tries to force their kid to tell them whats happening, she’s pretty „chill“ (yeah, I’ve black friends) and an amazing woman/mom. I love you, mom.
5. God – he has done so much for me, and helps me out. He’s watching me, and helps me growing in every aspect. God is good.
6. Lisa Helmold – she is such an amazing friend. She lets me know whats going on in her life, and I love that. She asks me how I am doing, and is just interested in what I get to experience here. She has done so many wonderful things for me, and her, her dad, and boomi are like…the people I feel really close to, because they accepted the crazy me. And I love them.
7. Linh Mueller – I guess she’s just this one person I’m impressed by. She lives her life day by day (it has a great meaning when you think about it) and is thankful for everything, even if she could have so many reasons to be mad at the world and dissapointed, but she takes the situations she was put into and lives them/learns from them. She impresses me.
8. Lennart Wiese – because he’s just such a cutie. Whenever we skype and he is smiling that smile, it just brightens my day. I’m so glad I got to meet him and Linhi and that we were able to stay friends and hang out after our amazing orientation. He’s just this one guy who’s girlfriend will be very lucky.
9. Eva – she is an amazing woman who just rules the world with her prettyness. If I wouldn’t be as close as I am with her I would be super jealous at her. She’s pretty, funny, and successful. I am just amazed by her and love to be with her. She is my favorite adult, who I feel comfy around. I love her so much. She has tought me a lot.
10. Markus Brief – Just because he has a great personality, and we can watch Sean the sheep together, eat pizza all week long with 10 ice cream posickles every day. We share so much, and I love his house, I even love to clean it. He doesn’t make me feel dumb like many adults, he doesn’t look down to me, we meet right in the middle, and I love how he treats me. He is a great person.
Day 23: a month/year of your life when you were happiest and why
August 2011 – 2012, because I
figured out where I belong and met amazing people, so many good things happened
to me my exchange year, and I learnd a lot. (May, 17 2012)
Day 22: how you judge intelligence
Intelligence is when you have the
ability to think about something and have the will to figure it out, and
remember it.
Day 21: How does your favorite shirt look like
seriously thinking about that right now. Its probably from Sydney, because I
steal her shirts all the time…it’s this pinkish shirt, it’s kinda loose on me,
but I really like the color and how it makes my hair look lighter, and I can
wear my favorite flats with it (brown with flowers on them)
Day 20: what you think makes someone beautiful
A pretty smile, and pretty eyes
help, too.
Day 19: your thoughts on your family
I’m thankful what my mom has done
for me, and I love her with all my heart. My dad…um, not existing.
Day 18: why you made your blog, why you still have it
I want to keep my friends uptadet, because I already knew
I’m not gonna manage my time here so well that I’ve enough time to send e-mails
to all of them. So whenever they want to know what is happening they can look
at my blog, and if they feel the need to talk to me they can always e-mail me,
and I’ll try to e-mail back as soon as possible.
Day 17: your idol and why you look up to them
There are so many people I look up to for different reasons.
I look up to Sydney, because she’s beautiful, funny, and nice. She knows what she wants to do, and gives her best to make it come true. She has a good relationship to her boyfriend, and treats her friends very well.
I look up to my mom for being such a good mother, and making my dream to come to america true, even if she rather would like me to be home with her.
I look up to people who try their best in school; fight for others; aren’t fake; do everything to reach their dream, even when others tell them it’s stupid or not realistic; have the ability to see something good in the worst situations
I look up to Sydney, because she’s beautiful, funny, and nice. She knows what she wants to do, and gives her best to make it come true. She has a good relationship to her boyfriend, and treats her friends very well.
I look up to my mom for being such a good mother, and making my dream to come to america true, even if she rather would like me to be home with her.
I look up to people who try their best in school; fight for others; aren’t fake; do everything to reach their dream, even when others tell them it’s stupid or not realistic; have the ability to see something good in the worst situations
Day 16: someone you trust
Sydney Ann Coe, because she was incredibly open with me right from
the beginning, and we had this special bond I can’t describe. I love her so
much, and even if I don’t show her that every day, I’m so glad I got to meet
her and that we became so close. I love her.
Day 15: a song that makes you cry and
You and Tequila by Kenny Chesney and Grace Potter (first song I heard when we drove home from the Houston airport)
You and Tequila by Kenny Chesney and Grace Potter (first song I heard when we drove home from the Houston airport)
Day 14: write about something you believe in, anything at all
God, I believe in God. It is so wonderful for me to say that,
because earlier I couldn’t believe in him, and then I came to america and
slowly but surely I found my way to him. I’m so glad to put my life in
someone’s hands, in someones hands I can trust and be sure that he will take
good care.
Day 13: your favorite quote
I’m still looking for my bible verse. I’ll add it on whenever I
found it.
Day 12: the best advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given
Tell God about it. Because God listens, and he doesn’t ignore you,
he’ll help, if thats the best thing to do. He won’t leave you alone with it,
he’s definitely gonna give you the best answer. I realize it after the problem
is solved, that God solved it for me. It’s pretty cool, because you wonder why
he didn’t do anything and then you realize: Oh he solved it. That was so easy,
I should have gone to him in the first place.
Day 11: the worst advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given
Just wait. Sometimes that can be
good, but it’s killing me to just not do anything, because I keep thinking
about it and it stresses me out. So I just can’t wait stuff out, I’ve to talk
about it, to clearify my point and understand the other one’s point. And then
I’m good, for most of the time.
Day 10: what you think when you hear the words “be yourself”
How? I don’t know how/who I am. Sometimes I just don’t wanna
be myself. And isn’t that a process that takes you your whole life; to figure
out who you are, to create an identity and make other people notice this
identity? (may, 4 2012)
Day 9: things that make you happy
My sister/best friend, my family, Chase, good music, Mo, good
weather/sun, life
Day 8: things that make you sad
The thought about leaving,
Day 7: a show or a movie that has changed you, and how
I can’t think of a movie, but the book ‚Lucas‘ and ‚I am the
messanger‘ changed me a lot, just by realizing how silent intelligent other
people can be, how complex thoughts are, and how I want to be (it’s weird that
I set my role model as a man, and NO I don’t wanna be a guy, but I hate typical
girly girls.).
Day 6: something you would like to change about yourself
I would like to have lighter hair, more patieance, the
ability to go home and study, be more competitive, and remember myself every
day how blessed I am.
Yeah, y'all have a bunch to catch up with...Enjoy life. Even iff it seems difficult sometimes.
"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." -Psalm 118:24
Maybe it will work this time, and y'all can actually listen to it:
Mat Kearney - Ships in the Night
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